Off-Piste& Ski Touring

Exceptional guided outings

Snow & Mountain

To explore the off-piste terrain of Tignes-Val d'Isère and uncover its hidden routes, book a private instructor and customise your itinerary based on your level and preferences.

For expert skiers, we offer a full-week off-piste course.
Snow & Mountain

A full-week off-piste course

For expert skiers, we offer a week-long off-piste group course led by a passionate instructor!
New horizons
Off-Piste Course
Group Lessons for Expert Skiers
Adult off-piste course
Private Lessons

custom outings guided by an instructor

Share your off-piste, ski touring, or heliskiing plans with us. Based on your preferences, weather conditions, snow coverage, and avalanche risks, we'll craft a bespoke itinerary for an unforgettable adventure.
need more info?
Advice and useful information
Consult our useful information before your stay for a stress-free holiday